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91. A global call for sharia khilafah
4 esensi khilafah yaitu syariah, tauhid, ukhuwah islamiyah dan jihad

92. A good solution......
Working from home isn't always a good decision. yes, it can be fun to have no boss nad to have your commute consist of getting up and going to your computer. however, there are a few other factors that you have to think about before deciding if working

93. A grateful heart
A collection of thoughts, challenges, experiences, wits and wisdom.

94. A royal breed
Breeders and sellers of high quality english bulldogs. new litter due early march 2006.

95. A series of transforming events
A memoir about a young man from a remote town in liberia, west africa, who survived poverty, war, ethnic cleansing, and refugee camp but eventually reached his life-long impossible dream of becoming a physician--in the usa.

96. A shiva bhakt always rises to destroy the demon of ignorance
A new blog site which focuses on many issues in the world, however it also tells the nature of god shiva who brings us the light of knowledge, the destroyer of ignorance. his name is also vidyanath ( master of knowledge), hence when he destroys your igno

97. A simple desultory philippic from pennsylvania
This is a site that covers my life and times. it deals with all my comings and goings. i cover the arts, literature, music, current events and anything else i can think of.

98. A survivor's journey
I was diagnosis with cancer in 2007. a rare form of cancer called leiomyosarcoma. it's has been over six years now, and i'm still cancer free. this website was design for cancer survivors', families, friends and for the ones that have lost someone to

99. A sweet fragrance
My blog is about sharing the wisdom of godly men and women of past centuries who chose the way of the cross. i update almost every day with excerpts from old, rare christian books or personal insights and stories. god offers each one of us the beauty of

100. A-zainudin blog
A-zainudin a website make big money online. stay here until you make the best decision to be a seller or buyer...!

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