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31. $1.99 banner rotation!!
Advertising does pay!! only $1.99 a month & you earn $1.00 instantly & every month for every advertiser you refer!! wow!! membership includes: unlimitted banner impressions with real-time stats! (we'll even host your banner on our server f

32. $10 money miracle
Goodby money worries! only $10 one-time! no monthly subscriptions! 30 day money-back guarantee! pays 50% on two levels! your link is put in the company wide rotator to help you get sales! my sponsor made $4000 in 12 days!

33. $100 a day
I will show you, step by step, how to put this plan into action and make 100 dollars a day straight into your paypal and alertpay account! this program is not an affiliate program. you keep all the profits! run this every time you need immediate cas

34. $100 saturday
Win up to $100 every saturday with gat, high-hits and hitsboosterpro

35. $100,000 in 4 months!! guaranteed!!
Get ready to be submerged with orders and sales. would you like to leverage an extra 100,000$usd from your existing business without spending another minute or cent marketing it? we don�t charge our service fees in advance. we get �paid on results� so w

36. $2 plan
Turn $2 into a six-figure residual income and a dozen revenue streams!

37. $20 magnet website
Own a website that's a $20 magnet... for just �10/$20/e14 the best one-time $20 investment that you'll ever make! it pays me $20 over and over again every day. get the "exclusive" website and marketing tools today. great for beginners. exclus

38. $20miracle
For 7 years, in over 70 countries, the wealthsystem™ has done it! the average networker has the opportunity to earn above average income! from a once-in-a-lifetime out-of-pocket expense of only $20 us! this is really a miracle!!!

39. $5 by millions
Want one million people anxiously sending you $5 each? that's $5,000,000.00 waiting for you. well, do't just imaging it because you can do it starting right this minute!

40. $500cash!
Business opp.(mlm) succeed or get $500 cash! recive $1000 comissions $3000 comissions and $5000 comissions. just dirve traffic to your links.

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