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1. Addictionireland
Illicit drug evidence based research information. methadone; principles of precention; advocacy; social justice; comorbidity; human rights; stabilisation; rehabilitation; harm reduction; stabilisation; family support; aftercare; parenting; education deli
2. All about civil engineering
All about civil engineering
e books
3. All facts
Fascinating facts you should know that will blow your mind.some you would never know otherwise.
4. An encylopdia for bloggers with lot of tricks
This is a blog regarding all things such as inventions,news,tricks etc.and also when you click in any ads on this site,you get 2 dolalrs free from my hand,important thing is before you click in any ad,pls subsribe and be a member in my blog to contatc wi
5. Animal onlines, encyclopedia of animals
Contains about animals, etymology, taxonomy, evolution, anatomy, biology, subspecies, behavior, habitat, reproduction, population, conservation, and relationship with humans
6. Answerg
Ask questions on any topic, get real answers from real people. have a question? ask it. know an answer? share it. find and share information on
7. Aquarium pedia
This website contains information related to aquarium and aquarium fish that will help one become a good aquarist.
8. Bakeryencyclopedia
Bakery encyclopedia is the ultimate all in one site. complete bakery information. articles, blog, carer, news and events and bakery photo album
9. Bedar pakistan
Pakistan political party, aiming for a tax & interest free country.
10. Born4electronics
About electronics
here u get all the information about electronics enginering
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