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> C & Cpp
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11. Cisco systems | voice over ip | router | security device manager
Cisco (csco) is the leading supplier of networking equipment and network management for the internet. products include routers, hubs, ethernet
12. Computer learners.
Provide knowledge about computers,including knowledge about computer hardware,computer software,computer systems and so on, learning computers online.
13. Computer science tutoring
Programming help and programming lessons.\
python java c c+ c# javascript nodejs react ai machine learning data structure.\
help by email or online on skype.\
all lessons taught interactively live on skype using share screen feature.
14. Covid situation
A site with peoples opinions on the impact of covid on the politics of their city and country.
15. Cyberwheelers
Promote all of your traffic exchanges and mailers from just one link with cyber wheelers..
16. Day of the lord
Prophetic site dealing with the return of jesus. jesus' return is not supposed to be a mystery. he told us when he was coming back. he said to look for the sign of the son of man. find out what it is.
17. Dilupa's tech blog
A collection of tutorials on microcontroller programming and industrial automation
18. Dubleeble tutorials
Dubleeble the tutorial and software website brought to you by the creators of geocorp with 10 times more free stuff.**new**now able to upload software and earn money of each download!!!
19. Earn money thru adsense
This site contains many useful information related to jobs, softwares, it, google adsense etc...
20. Fresh techies' world
A technical/programming blog on c/c++,vc++,mfc,c#. programming tips, software utilities, free source code and many more...
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