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11. A vision of future
A website dedicated to space colonization, terraforming other planets, science news, politics, economy, ecology and demography issues and progress and the future of mankind in general.
12. A word a day keeps a dim mind at bay
Keep reading so that your mind stays sharp :) i will post new, exciting words everyday. also i will be posting my interesting findings on my journey though the imperfect science which is medicine. including ethics issues and some politics.
13. A zero point magnet power generator.
A long kept secret for generating free electricity is now available to you
and you will never have to pay a single dime to the power companies anymore!
14. A zero point magnet power generator.
A long kept secret for generating free electricity is now available to you
and you will never have to pay a single dime to the power companies anymore!
A blog that concentrate on blogging articles about the technology of the future...... ***note: some of our blogs are not written by the owner of the blog.
16. Abstractionbook
Hopefully, this work will turn out to be such effective communication for the readers. the laws of physical transaction described in this book seem to be the laws that govern the world at the most fundamental level.
17. Abstractionbook
Hopefully, this work will turn out to be such effective communication for the readers. the laws of physical transaction described in this book seem to be the laws that govern the world at the most fundamental level.
18. Active sound control
A site all about noise and active sound control, physics and basic science information is given.
19. Aerospace peeople from india
I ahve made my blog for all those indians and all those ppl round the world to share their views about our common interests.....aerospace.also,i want ppl to share their views about india being left out in the aerospace sector.
20. Aghatech educational resources
Educational resources, mcq examinations, tutorial videos, online education informations
| Results 11 - 20 |
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